Monday, June 30, 2014

My internal testicles.

I'm in full swing... been injecting my poor belly daily for 11 days now.  First day was scary... I was so scared to do something wrong but thanks to the power of Google I was able to find a video that wasn't confusing.  Now I'm a pro.

The shots at the start (follistim with menopur) aren't bad at all... you barely feel them.  Side effects were minimal for the first 10 days... then they added Cetrotide to stop me from Ovulating early.  It stings after you inject it and it's a much bigger shot... goes bright red and lumpy!  Today was my last day of that which is when they informed me that it is a lot less uncomfortable if you ice the area down first for 5 mins... OMG... night and day... was so much easier today and didn't feel as though I'd been stung by 100 wasps... (just 2!)  So remember that tip if you ever need it!

Yesterday I had a meltdown at work over something very trivial.  I'm usually a pro at checking my problems at the door.  My boss smelled a rat and wanted to know if I would like to talk about it.  I told her (sobbed more like) what I'm doing, about how irrationally hormonal I feel and that I've no control over my tears apparently.  She was so relieved and happy!  Amazingly supportive... so now I no longer have to worry about taking time off for the retrieval or anything else that may come up.  I've been there for 5 years and gone through a lot in that time and never cracked... she actually found it quite amusing... particularly as I'm mortified that my emotions are so close to the surface right now!  

I'm glad that's out in the open... meanwhile I feel like I have two giant testicles inside me that are thumping their way out... which is good news as it means that my follicles are nice and big and my ovaries are stretching.  I look slightly pregnant and sucking in my poor bruised stomach is not an option.

Still doing acupuncture... last shots today... triggering tomorrow and the retrieval on Thursday.  I remain scared but also excited to get this show on the road.  

I hope it works,, ihopeitworks!   

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