Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Moving Forward...

I've been quiet because I've been in a holding pattern and have been coming to terms with the fact that the journey to conception is not going to be as easy as I thought.  

I made appointments with two IVF clinics so that I could select the one that was the best fit for me.  I ended up cancelling the second one because I loved the first one so much and also because they wanted me to FAX everything to them.  They refused to accept scanned and emailed documents.  I told them that I got rid of my Fax machine in the 90's and wasn't about to get one now... I don't even have a land line and have tried to turn my PC into a fax machine before with no success.

I digress... my chosen clinic made me feel really good about everything.  They weren't daunted by my strange Uterus... just said that they'd only transfer single embryo's.  He's happy with my numbers, doesn't put too much credence in AMH and said that there was no need to do PGD.  Said that the cost doesn't outweigh the risks or the benefits.  Fine with me.

I had to take out financing because I've blown through my savings and didn't have the extra 8000 hanging around that I needed to make this happen.  

I didn't have to take birth control pills which I was so happy about as they've never much agreed with me - started on Estrace about a week ago and currently awaiting my period (due yesterday.)  So typical that it would be late when I'm normally clockwork.  Wondering if it might be the Estrace that's set it back?  Once it arrives everything sets in motion... start Follistim and Menopur injections and then the monitoring etc.

I'm nervous... all my eggs are in this basket so to speak and I'm petrified that it will fail...

I keep telling myself one day at a time... it's all I can do.  So my fingers and toes (but not my legs) are crossed... I'll update a little more now that something is happening.  


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are moving forward. I know so many women that weren't successful on their first IUI and they gave up hope entirely. You've had some setbacks, but you now have a plan and are going forward! I will cross my legs for you since I'm not currently TTC!
