Monday, February 10, 2014

Almost there

My first IUI is just a couple of days away now and it can't come soon enough.  I just want to get this first try over with.  Honestly I'm keeping my expectations low as I've had no medication and no monitoring...  When I read others blogs and forums it seems that everyone's had 3 day testing, ultra sounds... they know the length of their follicles and other such information overload.  

I know nothing other than that I'm going to ovulate in the next 48 hours or so and then I will go for my IUI's.  

It's not like I've been doing nothing to promote healthy chances of conception... in fact I've never been busier!  I went to an ayurveda lady and thus I am now taking aloe vera juice, drinking Ojas tea (made with organic, homemade ghee) every morning, giving myself pre-shower massages with food grade coconut oil & doing at least 5 mins of breathing exercises a day.

On top of this I am of course taking my pre-natal vitamins, drinking raspberry leaf tea and taking Royal Jelly once a day (It's disgusting FYI).

So yes... hippy route for the first attempt and then next month I'll try acupuncture and hit my health insurance with a little monitoring.  No meds for me til the 3rd try (which hopefully I won't need!)

I'm nervous and excited... Everyone I've told has been supremely supportive and excited for me... not one shred of judgement.  

Having said this I've not told many people... I don't think it's anyone's business but my own and I've no idea what I'm going to say when (if) I do become pregnant and start to show... I guess I'll cross this bridge when it happens...  I wish I knew other people going through this at the same time as me.

So I'm wishing myself luck and hoping for a miracle on the first go...  


  1. You are pretty much walking into your IUI the exact way I walked into my successful (3rd) IUI! I was one of the few that didn't have any monitoring other than OPK at home. Only on my successful IUI I was drinking red raspberry tea and taking royal jelly capsules....and voila, it worked! I wish you luck and hope the two week wait goes quickly for you!

    1. Thanks Ali... it's not going too slowly... keeping busy and drinking my tea as per usual.... watch this space.
