Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Change of tactic & awesome friends...

My next IUI is about a week away and I'm feeling pretty good about it.  I feel like I have a lot more knowledge and it's made me feel so empowered.  

Since my last post I've been for my day 3 blood work (results pending) and had a baseline ultrasound on my ovaries.  I guess I watch too much TV because I naively thought it was done on my belly... not internally... ah well... seems that stripping and probing have become a part of my weekly life.  Amazing how easily I converse now with medical instruments inside my vagina.  Who knew how quickly I would get used to this hey? 

In order for the RE to agree to monitoring, I had to agree to a trigger shot... I feel okay about that.  Just one shot in the stomach and this makes the window of ovulation much easier for them to pinpoint.  This also means that I can go down to just one IUI a month instead of back to backs.  Easier on the finances which is also nice.  

So now I know the following: I have healthily developing follicles on the right ovary.  My left ovary is smaller than the right and my Uterus is the right thickness for where I am in my cycle.  I go back at the weekend for another ultrasound and for instruction on when the trigger shot must be administered.  Thank goodness for the Doula who will be giving this to me - lest I pass out/throw up etc.

In other news I have discovered that my friends are all awesome.  It's not that I'm telling everyone that I'm doing this RIGHT NOW... but I have told a fair few of them that it's going to happen and that I'm getting the testing done for it to be in my future.  Males and females alike have all responded with so much support, encouragement and a little curiosity too.  Nobody has told me I'm crazy or that it's wrong or questioned my motivation.  All of those niggling fears of judgment that I had were totally unfounded and that's so great... gives me a lot of confidence going forward.  I really think that I'm incredibly lucky.  

Even Mr Benefits has come back after a month break.  He says he thinks that what I'm doing is amazing and he wants to be around to support me.  Said that if I want ice cream at 3am he might not be there...  but by 6am he'll bring it to me.  He's also excited about the idea of my expanding boobs.  I don't have the heart to tell him that I'll probably want him to stay 3ft away from them at all times.  

Let the man dream...

1 comment:

  1. I'm wishing you the very best--as one who was in your shoes a few years ago (wait! can it really be SIX years ago?!) Follow your dream!
