Sunday, February 23, 2014

Still waiting...

I'm in the final stretch of the two week wait...  I'm timing it from the 2nd IUI (I had back to backs.)  This would take me to Wednesday... thing is that AF is due on Thursday so rather than take a test and doubt it,  I am hoping to have the resilience to just wait til Thurs (or Fri) if it doesn't show.

I don't feel significantly different to usual.  My boobs are always sore at this time of the month so that's not a new symptom... I do feel a little more emotional but that can easily be explained away by the stress that I must be feeling somewhere within for doing this... I've had an on and off ache in my stomach ever since the IUI's but I'm guessing my body didn't like being breached and that's just the side effect of it.  Lastly I have been very tired the past few days... napping every day.  Again, I explain this away because napping makes time go faster and I tend to become more tired when I'm under emotional strain.  

Thus, in my brain = not pregnant.  

Last night I went out and had a couple of glasses of bubbles with a friend... I let him pour red in my glass after that but I only pretended to sip on it... I didn't want to push it.  Now, I know a lot of people don't know that they're pregnant, (my friend C. had a tequila fest a few days before she found out and she seems to be doing fine!) however, I can't knowingly do it!  My friend wasn't suspicious as I'd told him I was going to do a bit of a cleanse for a month or two this year so he just thought it was that.  It feels so weird to be acting as though I might be pregnant whilst feeling totally normal.  Not that I need to drink to have a good time but I would have definitely enjoyed a glass of red with my entree and perhaps a cocktail to finish the night.  I've never been a huge drinker... 3 drink limit and that only once every couple of weeks but I did miss it yesterday!

One cool thing about this 'I might be' stage is that I'm pulling out the tight dresses and rocking them.  I figure I should enjoy my svelte figure while it lasts and wear that dress that might bring me a little extra attention.  I am really appreciating being 'thin'.  It sounds silly but who knows if I'll ever get my body back to how it is now... I've never had to think about weight before and have always said that I'd embrace pregnancy as it will give me a feeling of what it's like to be bigger bodied.  I stand by that still... although I'm a little scare of the boob expansion!

That's all today... although if you're reading this I'd love if you'd follow me - even anonymously.  I see people are stopping by and I have had the odd comment here and there but it would be nice to have just a few people brave enough to follow me so I know I'm not talking to an empty room all the time.  Put a sort of face to the numbers.... no pressure.


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