Here I am, closing in on the finish line. A maximum of 9 more weeks to go and then my little will finally arrive!
Baby boy is still breach and seemingly very comfortable in said position. I have monthly ultrasounds where he can be seen chewing his feet and hands. His bum is always squarely positioned on my bladder and as he gets bigger that has made coughing, sneezing and being more than five minutes from a restroom rather dangerous. His bladder kicks can take the air out of me! He's still running big, in the 82nd percentile at last measurement and now I can feel exactly where his head is by feeling my belly. If I rub his legs and he happens to be awake I can usually encourage some movement out of him. Amazing! And I still feel pretty good albeit getting a bit more tired and achy in my feet after 8 hours of working on them.
What all of this means is that I'm highly likely to end up with a c section. I let go of my disappointment some time ago. I have the support to cope with the recovery. My mother will sleep in the spare room and help me to lift him to feed if I'm struggling for those early few days. We will be fine. So many people don't end up with the birth plan they hoped for and its almost easier to know you'll have a c section than to end up with one after hours or days of labor and then have to recover from both!
In renovation news I can say the house is done! I have about one more day of work for my carpenter friend but it's finishing stuff like putting up shelves, putting locks on doors, installing a screen door, smoke detector and draft excluder. My house looks beautiful - and ready! Littles clothes are washed and organized into stacks. Now I just have to put them into bins and label them! In two months I'll be sharing his arrival with you all and it still just seems so wonderful, exciting and surreal!