What a milestone... Almost 20 weeks pregnant so officially half way there although unofficially I believe I will go early due to my small uterus and high chance of needing a c section. Not complaining!
So far pregnancy has treated me well. No morning sickness, just food aversions and obsessions. I subsisted on apples and Jarlsberg cheese for about 2 weeks, developed a love of yoghurt and a distaste for meat as well as a horror for the smell of fish cooking. The only fish I've managed to eat is canned tuna fish every couple weeks and my omega 3 pills.... I've been able to take it easy on days I work and that's meant that I've barely had any fatigue compared to others accounts of falling asleep at desks and such! It's definitely harder when I work til 2am but manageable. The 20 minute drive home is not fun. Still, all in all I think I've escaped lightly and pray this continues.
Had my anatomy ultrasound today. Drove through the freak April snow storm to see my little blob had turned into a thumb sucking tiny boy... So amazing. He's measuring 95th percentile for growth and that puts him 8 days ahead of his due date. At this stage I'm happy for him to be bigger. I hope he slows down as we go on though as I fear he may run out of space in my unicorn uterus. He's breach right now. Obviously it's way early for that to matter but my gut has told me that I'll end up with a c section. It makes me wonder if this is the comfiest spot for him to be in.
Been feeling him move since about 14.5 weeks although it took me a week and a half to be sure that's what it was. The feeling has changed from a tickle to a combination of thuds and tickles. I love them all! I can't even imagine how weird it will feel as he gets bigger.
Worked on my baby registry today too. It was on the way home and gave a break from driving in the snow. Also meant that the store was empty so could really test drive the stuff in peace! Gonna hit the yard sales and see what I can get second hand with some exceptions (car seat, stroller etc). It's all feeling very real and wonderfully exciting. Have mini moons planned to have some fun before I am too tired to have fun. Can't wait to bring him on adventures!
I think it's finally sinking in that I'm actually having a baby.