There is a belief that's common in a few eastern cultures that the human soul arrives on day 120 of gestation. Having done ivf and being very sure of the age of my child I can say confidently that today is his 120th day of existence.
Whilst none of these cultures can be claimed as my own I have a good friend who has been excited about this day since I told her my news some weeks ago! We have a lunch date planned as part of our celebration and I know that she was up at 4am doing some ritual that welcomed his tiny soul into the world. I know this because she sent me a text and a picture of the sun rising announcing the day.
I am enjoying this belief. I wonder about the soul and today feels like a good day for it to arrive. I feel like it's all becoming more real, planning a baby shower, feeling tiny tickles within me.
Last night when I was driving home at around 11.30pm I saw a shooting star ahead of me. I witnessed its beginning, its end and the trail it left. It was so bright! It seemed so close that I wondered how it had missed the earth. I thought to myself "he has arrived!" And last night I slept so well, so calmly and worried about nothing.
Welcome little boy.