I can't believe I'm getting to write this but I've actually made it to 12 weeks. The magical number where people start making Facebook announcements and telling everyone they meet...
Not quite there yet. In fact Facebook won't be getting any announcements until there's an actual, real life baby here.
So far so good. I'd consider myself lucky. No sickness but some queasyness that has been very easy to live with. The fatigue was manageable. I work nights so I can be lazy during the day and have a nap and use my energies at work. Even done ok with the 2am nights. I think my biggest pregnancy symptom has been food aversion. subsisted on bread, cakes, cheese and apples for a few weeks there! Seems to have passed now thankfully. My mother has been wonderful juicing for us and preparing meals which I may or may not turn down. Still living with her as my house is not finished being renovated. (6 months now but it has to be finished in 10 days!)
Have had trouble finding an obgyn. The first one i went to was so scatty and unorganized. She had me get undressed for a pap, dressed again for an ultrasound but then remembered that I was too early for an abdominal ultrasound so had me get undressed again for an internal. Got in there then saw I had a full bladder (I'd been with her 2 hours at this point) and made me go to the bathroom naked w a sheet wrapped around me. Finally saw baby! She had never heard of what I have and was very dismissive and didn't offer me any extra care which my RE said I would need. All in all I felt very uncomfortable leaving my unborn child in her care. Meeting two new ones at the end of the month. Hopefully I will like the lady at the new clinic as its so much cleaner and has parking which is key!
I'm so happy but still flat about being pregnant. Trying to enjoy my pregnancy and not indulge the constant fear that my malformed uterus is going to spit this child out before it's cooked. Belly has started to pop which I'm happy for. Nobody can see it yet but I've had to change my wardrobe for work to flowier options. Want to wait til end of month before making the announcement there. Enjoying my lovely secret just a little longer.