It has once again been too long but I think I just needed a break from thinking about and reliving the miscarriage. I'm sure you all guessed that is what had happened anyway. I went back for a scan and sure enough there had been no progress. I went for my DNC a couple of days later. I had the sample sent off for analysis and it was discovered that it had two trisomy abnormalities. The most common ones. The ones that have nothing to do with age. I think that's good news.
I have only one embryo left and I don't want to do a Fet with just that so I've been taking time off. I've only had one period since the miscarriage and I'd like to have two before I think about another round of ivf. I change my mind on a daily basis as to whether or not I want to do another round of IVF.
Im also in the midst of selling and buying a house which is like a part time job itself. As a result of selling my house I have to pay off my last fertility loan in order to qualify for a new mortgage. This means I could very easily qualify for another fertility loan. I think we all know how this story is going to end. For now though I'm plodding along and trying to enjoy the summer that never really feels like it's going to start. Not the usual balmy nights I've become used to.
I'm still dating the Tinder man. We still take it easy but it suits us both. The drama in his life is lessening somewhat but he remains very busy. Even though I sometimes think I need a little more I think in reality he's just what I need. If I do another round of ivf it'll be consuming and the ability to step back for a week or two if I need space will be good. I'm winning with the balancing act so far.
I've also pretty much decided to do a home study and get the adoption ball rolling. I am going to start a gofundme. Have any of you ever done this? I've spent all my money on fertility treatments so I thought asking for some help wouldn't be too cheeky? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Hope all a well out there in SMC land. I'll try to check in again soon.