Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2nd beta

Just a quick update... my second beta came back at a strong 684 which I am very happy with.  My RE said he would have been happy with anything in the 300-400 range but I think he was just being nice! 

Still pretty symptom free.  Don't love food as much as normal but don't feel sick at all yet.  My boobs hurt a couple days ago but now they don't... just a little sore but nothing I wouldn't feel during my period.  Mild stomach cramps.  

I'm hoping that it continues to be this easy although it's a little harrowing to feel nothing in particular.  My mind goes to town thinking that it's not sticking.  I have a 2 wk and 2 day wait now til my first ultrasound to determine due date and heart beat.  The waiting never stops... ah well.

I told the guy I'm dating that I'm pregnant. (And that it's not his!)  Even though he was aware of my journey I hadn't told him that I'd had the transfer... I was waiting for the result.  I was so nervous but I found a very opportune way of telling him before things got physical.  It was kind of dark in the room and all I could see was his giant smile!  He was very happy for me... said that he thinks he is going to be just fine with it all.  I assured him that when it's time to announce it that I'll make sure he doesn't get the blame!  We laughed that it's the fastest anyone he's dated has ever gotten pregnant... Things are good.  

So weird... I thought that doing this on my own would mean that I would forgo sharing news of my pregnancy with a partner and celebrating together. However,  I got the moment, albeit it was a little skewed.  Most importantly his reaction is a bonus.  I was *and still am* prepared for him to flee.  Nothing can shake the extreme happiness I feel now that I finally have a little being growing it's way into my life.    

Thursday, April 9, 2015


True story.

I underwent my final FET on 30th March.  I persuaded my RE to put 3 of those pesky blasts inside me and I named them Hewie Dewie and Louis.  (even though I've always assumed I'd have a girl.)  Louis(e) looked fit to explode... was hatching as s/he went in.  

I was sick at the time of transfer but no fever... spent 11 days coughing my guts up but instead of visualizing the embryo's being forced out I visualized at least one of them being hugged in tighter by my body's violent convulsions.  

I spent the first 8 of my 10 day wait trying to get better and not thinking about my presumed NTT.  In fact I'd been planning my next vacation and a change of lifestyle for when this failed again.  I'd loaded flight apps onto my phone, asked friends to join me on vacation and was B planning my heart out. 

On day 8 I figured it was time to go to the Dr as I was afraid that I had a chest infection.  I figured I'd might as well test to get my disappointment over with.  I sat on the toilet intermittently checking the FRER doing nothing.  3 mins later I'd decided to give up and throw it away but when I took it into the bright kitchen I saw a faint line!!!!  It got a little darker and I called my SMC friend to ask her if I was going crazy and took a pic of it for her.  Suffice to say she confirmed my diagnosis of 'pregnant!'  

I tested 2 more times over the next 24 hours and by the 3rd time the line was showing instantly.  Def pregnant.

Beta today came back at 142!  Next Beta is on Monday.  

I can't believe this is happening.  I'm so happy.  I know there's a lot of milestones to overcome and that my unicorn uterus is just one of them.  For now though I'm wallowing in my first ever BFP!

And no, I haven't told the new guy yet.  I will tell him after my 2nd beta.  If he's going to run, I'd prefer he does it now.  

And the one thing I did differently that I actually felt made a difference is I went to a PT who specializes in Uterus anomalies and had a Uterus massage.  She gave me exercises to do before my transfer.  It was very strange but it made my uterus feel charged and present.  I'm going to continue to go to her as it's good in encouraging your uterus to stretch for the growing life inside.

Will update with my next beta... thanks for staying tuned.